The AES-2200 is NIDEK’s automatic lab system combining the RHU-2200 and two units of SE-9090 Supra series, top end edger for laboratory. The AES-2200 features innovative automatic one-line system. The idea of connecting the small belt conveyors of RHU-1000 / 1500 has been turned into reality as a unique one-line big conveyor system. This system is called “NIDEK Intelligent Conveyor System” -NICS.
May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support throughout the year.
We look forward to working with you again in 2025. BOC Ophthalmic Instruments will close on Friday, 20th December 2024 and re-open on Monday, 6th January 2025.
The following mobile phone numbers are provided to you for emergency contact during the Christmas break: