
Slit Lamps for Sale

Best Slit Lamps Australia-Wide

BOC Instruments is dedicated to providing top-quality slit lamp equipment for eye care professionals across Australia. Our range includes some of the best slit lamps from renowned international brands, known for their precision, reliability, and advanced features. These slit lamps are essential tools in ophthalmology, offering detailed examination capabilities that are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment of various eye conditions. We ensure that each slit lamp for sale meets the highest standards of performance and durability.

Frey Slit Lamps for Sale

BOC Instruments proudly offers a selection of Frey slit lamps, known for their superior quality and advanced optical performance. These European-made devices are designed to provide precise and detailed ocular assessments, making them an excellent choice for eye care professionals seeking reliable and high-quality equipment.


The FREY SLIT LAMP SL100 is a superior quality Haag-style slit lamp equipped with advanced LED illumination. This model boasts exquisite optics with magnification up to 40x, providing clear and detailed views of the eye’s anterior segment. Its robust design and high-quality components make it an excellent choice for any eye care practice looking for reliable and precise examination tools. This slit lamp is designed to deliver consistent performance, ensuring that clinicians can conduct thorough eye examinations with ease.

Key Features of FREY SLIT LAMP SL100

  • Haag-style LED slit lamp
  • Magnification up to 40x
  • High-quality optics for clear imaging
  • Durable and robust design


The FREY SLIT LAMP SL110 offers European-made excellence with crystal clear optics up to 40x magnification. This model is built to provide superior imaging, making it ideal for detailed ocular assessments. Its ergonomic design ensures comfort during prolonged use, and the high-quality materials used in its construction guarantee long-lasting durability. This slit lamp combines functionality and reliability, making it a valuable addition to any ophthalmic practice.

Key Features of FREY SLIT LAMP SL110

  • European-made with superior optics
  • Magnification up to 40x
  • Ergonomic design for user comfort
  • Long-lasting durability

Nidek Slit Lamps for Sale

Nidek slit lamps are renowned for their advanced features and exceptional imaging capabilities. These devices are designed to provide clear and accurate views of the eye, aiding in precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans. BOC Instruments offers a range of Nidek slit lamps to meet the diverse needs of eye care professionals.


The NIDEK SL1800 SLITLAMP features a Galilean converging binocular microscope that provides a clear and easy view with wide-field “high eye point” eyepieces. This slit lamp offers five-position magnification up to 32x, allowing for detailed examination of ocular structures. It also includes continuously variable slit width and length up to 14mm, along with blue, red-free, and heat-absorbing filters. The built-in yellow filter enhances the observation of fluorescein corneal staining and contact lens fit, making this slit lamp an indispensable tool for comprehensive eye examinations.

Key Features of NIDEK SL1800 SLITLAMP

  • Galilean converging binocular microscope
  • Wide-field “high eye point” eyepieces
  • Five-position magnification up to 32x
  • Continuously variable slit width and length
  • Blue, red-free, and heat-absorbing filters
  • Built-in yellow filter for fluorescein observation

Righton Slit Lamps for Sale

Righton slit lamps are known for setting new standards in slit lamp design technology. These innovative devices offer high magnification, wide fields of view, and advanced imaging capabilities, making them an excellent choice for modern ophthalmic practices. BOC Instruments provides a selection of Righton slit lamps to enhance your clinical capabilities.


The RIGHTON MW50D LED CLINICAL SLITLAMP sets a new standard in slit lamp design technology. It offers the widest field of view at ∅44.5 and the highest magnification available at 50x, with five magnification options (5x, 10x, 16x, 25x, and 50x). The slit width ranges continuously from 0-16mm, providing versatility for various examination needs. This model features multi-AR coated optics that offer 22% higher transmittance and a new LED light source that eliminates the typical bluish light appearance of LED, ensuring true-to-life colours and clearer images.


  • The widest field of view at ∅44.5
  • Magnification options up to 50x
  • Continuously variable slit width from 0-16mm
  • Multi-AR coated optics for higher transmittance
  • LED light source with true-to-life colours


The RIGHTON MW50D LED DIGITAL SLITLAMP includes all the groundbreaking features of the clinical version but adds a 5-megapixel CMOS camera for capturing stills and movies. This slit lamp allows for excellent focal depth and a fast frame rate of 30fps, ensuring improved imaging and playback. The Righton image file MW Software facilitates easy export of images to any Practice Management System (PMS), making this slit lamp a powerful tool for documentation and patient education.


  • Includes 5-megapixel CMOS camera
  • Capture stills and movies with high focal depth
  • The fast frame rate of 30fps for smooth playback
  • Righton image file MW Software for easy export to PMS

Magnon Slit Lamps for Sale

Magnon slit lamps combine performance and economy, offering a reliable and cost-effective solution for detailed ocular examinations. These devices are designed in the style of Haag Streit slit lamps and are known for their bright illumination and precise imaging capabilities. BOC Instruments offers Magnon slit lamps to meet the needs of various eye care practices at a competitive slit lamp cost.


The MAGNON SL250 SLITLAMP offers a combination of performance and economy, modelled in the style of Haag Streit slit lamps. This device features a tungsten illumination system, providing bright and consistent lighting for examinations. The omnidirectional joystick ensures simple and efficient alignment, while the converging bio-microscope delivers excellent examination possibilities. With magnification options of 10x and 16x, and optional higher-power eyepieces available, this slit lamp is versatile and suitable for various clinical needs.

Key Features of MAGNON SL250 SLITLAMP

  • Haag Streit style design
  • Tungsten illumination system
  • Omni-directional joystick for easy alignment
  • Converging bio-microscope
  • Magnification options of 10x and 16x
  • Optional higher power eyepieces

Ensuring Optimal Performance of Your Slit Lamps

Maintaining the performance and longevity of your slit lamp equipment is essential for providing reliable and accurate eye examinations. Here are some key strategies to ensure your slit lamps remain in top condition:

Routine Calibration

Routine calibration is critical to ensure your slit lamp equipment provides precise and consistent measurements. Regular calibration checks should be performed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to maintain the accuracy and reliability of your devices.

Keeping Software Up-to-Date

Updating the software of your slit lamp equipment is essential to incorporate the latest features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Regular software updates can improve the functionality and efficiency of your slit lamp, ensuring it performs optimally.

Implementing Preventive Maintenance

A preventive maintenance schedule helps to identify and resolve potential issues before they become serious problems. Regular inspections and servicing can keep your slit lamp in excellent working order, reducing the risk of unexpected malfunctions and ensuring continuous operation.

Cleaning and Disinfection Practices

Regular cleaning and disinfection are vital for maintaining the clarity of optical components and ensuring patient safety. Use recommended cleaning agents and techniques to clean lenses and surfaces without causing damage. Proper disinfection practices prevent the spread of infections and maintain a hygienic clinical environment.

Professional Maintenance Services

BOC Instruments provides comprehensive maintenance and support to help you keep your slit lamp equipment in peak condition. Our team of experts offers technical assistance and performs detailed inspections and repairs to ensure your equipment functions smoothly and efficiently.

Enhancing Equipment Lifespan

Following a consistent maintenance routine can significantly enhance the lifespan of your slit lamp equipment. Proper care and timely interventions help to prevent wear and tear, maintain accuracy, and ensure reliable performance for many years.

Scheduling Regular Maintenance

Scheduling regular maintenance checks and calibrations is essential for keeping your slit lamp in optimal condition. Set reminders and maintain a log of maintenance activities to ensure all necessary tasks are completed on time, keeping your equipment in excellent working order.

Using Genuine Parts and Accessories

To maintain the performance and integrity of your slit lamp, always use genuine parts and accessories recommended by the manufacturer. Authentic components ensure compatibility and prevent potential damage caused by inferior substitutes. BOC Instruments supplies all the necessary parts and accessories to keep your slit lamp functioning at its best.

Documenting Maintenance Activities

Maintaining detailed records of all maintenance activities, calibrations, and repairs is important for tracking the condition of your slit lamp equipment. Documentation helps identify recurring issues, plan future maintenance, and ensure compliance with industry standards. Keeping thorough records supports proactive equipment management and enhances overall practice efficiency.

Make an Enquiry Today!

Upgrade your practice with state-of-the-art slit lamp equipment from BOC Instruments. Our selection of high-quality slit lamps ensures that you have the best tools for precise and reliable eye examinations. Contact us today to make an enquiry and discover how our products can enhance your practice. Visit our website or call our dedicated customer service team for more information on our slit lamps and other ophthalmic equipment. Let us help you provide exceptional patient care with the finest technology available at a competitive slit lamp price.