
VF2000 NEO – Portable Visual Field Analyzer

The New Standard in Visual Field Testing


Virtual Reality Visual Field device – incorporates complete Visual Field Analysis.

Detailed progression analysis and the most versatile & efficient vision screening technology.

Latest technology provides the same reliability and reports as the “gold standard”.

Supplied complete with Tablet PC – BlueTooth interface with the VF2000 NEO.

Compact/Space-saving/Portable – can be used anywhere, no need for a darkened room.

Features include:

  • Active eye tracking-enhances reliability.
  • Full & Fast Threshold VF Testing plus Neuro, Kinetic, Ptosis & Estermann tests.
  • FDT Testing
  • Stereopsis
  • Visual Acuity & Contrast sensitivity
  • Colour Testing – Ishihara, D15 & Advanced colour tests
  • Eye Mobility & Strabismus


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